davidheyburn: Overlooking #cincinnati || photo credit: @startmeup
davidheyburn: Anything can be made fun with @startmeup , including standing on top of trash bags in cold alleys. #lifeisgood #winning #gushy #latergram
davidheyburn: Oh hey, lets take a serious looking selfie with these pretzel glasses on #missedthememo #onlysmiles #bockfest
davidheyburn: So apparently that dorky photo from my first weekend at the market has been made into marketing materials. #facearoundtown #foundthisatabeerhalllastnight
davidheyburn: Two of Findlay Market's newest Ambassadors. #americangothic #farmersmarket #friendsoffindlay
davidheyburn: First weekend in new city goal 1: try to make friends. Strategy: park at a coffee shop and talk to every person who comes in :)
davidheyburn: Best days are beach days.
davidheyburn: Polka dots
davidheyburn: One way you know you're offically an aclimated Brooklynite: A heat advisory doesn't stop you from biking to work and then picking up your CSA veggies via bike on your commute home.
davidheyburn: A Gatspy affair