davidherrold: Fire Dancer - South by Southwest - Frog Design
davidherrold: Fire Dancer two - South by Southwest - Frog Design
davidherrold: Fire Dancer three - South by Southwest - Frog Design
davidherrold: Fire Dancer four - South by Southwest - Frog Design
davidherrold: Fire Dancer five - South by Southwest - Frog Design
davidherrold: Fire Dancer six - South by Southwest - Frog Design
davidherrold: Steve & Lina
davidherrold: Frog Design party
davidherrold: Junyu Wang from Google China and Lina Fuh from the Houston Chronicle
davidherrold: Frog Design party
davidherrold: Crazy long line at the Google party
davidherrold: Jim Coudal
davidherrold: Public art in the Austin Convention center
davidherrold: Public art in the Austin Convention center
davidherrold: Public art in the Austin Convention center
davidherrold: Public art in the Austin Convention center
davidherrold: Jason Fried of 37 Signals
davidherrold: SXSW craziness
davidherrold: P1000655.JPG
davidherrold: Avenue A party