david.hayes77: Flying by...
david.hayes77: Going Cantonese
david.hayes77: Sunday afternoon ‘live’ viewing…..
david.hayes77: New(ish) kid on the block
david.hayes77: Shooting the breeze
david.hayes77: Coming through!
david.hayes77: Goings and comings at Milepost 229
david.hayes77: Shed and the City
david.hayes77: Flirt with flowers!
david.hayes77: Navigating the city
david.hayes77: Chasing the sun
david.hayes77: Tail-End Charlie
david.hayes77: Sunday ride...
david.hayes77: Lucky Catch
david.hayes77: (Almost) where it all began...
david.hayes77: New Trains......it's started
david.hayes77: The Haloed Sheep
david.hayes77: Making a statement...
david.hayes77: Going green...
david.hayes77: Sweet dreams!
david.hayes77: London Road Tunnel.....
david.hayes77: Magic Box
david.hayes77: Cats and dogs day
david.hayes77: My Beautiful Laundrette
david.hayes77: Riding the curly-wurly
david.hayes77: Stepping up...
david.hayes77: Off Grid?
david.hayes77: Journey through a dark place
david.hayes77: Testing, testing
david.hayes77: Stairway to Tonbridge