davidg: Bol Seaside Restaurant
davidg: Dancing Club
davidg: Abandoned Rowboat
davidg: View from the ferry #2
davidg: View from the ferry #1
davidg: Along the Diocletian Palace Wall
davidg: A House in Split
davidg: View from a room
davidg: The Smell of Black Metal
davidg: Slide Paddleboats, Zlatni Rat
davidg: Sunrise at Zlatni Rat
davidg: Vendor Huts, Early Morning on Zlatni Rat
davidg: View of Split Harbor
davidg: Split Farmers Market
davidg: Boat Cleaning on Bol Harbor
davidg: Marissa
davidg: Josko
davidg: Keem
davidg: M & G
davidg: Ice Cream Steak with Ice Cream Mashed Potoatoes
davidg: Zlatni Rat-a-tat-tat
davidg: The infamous slide paddleboats of Zlatni Rat
davidg: Graham tries in vain to explain why he's drinking Coca-Cola instead of pive veleke.
davidg: On the Bol Harbor
davidg: Megane
davidg: Ants of Mirca
davidg: Relaxing
davidg: An abandoned pive
davidg: View from the farmhouse
davidg: IMG_4911