david firn: What's this all about? Boycott Accison Lee Mini cabs
david firn: Die-in
david firn: The die in outside Addison Lee HQ
david firn: The die in underway
david firn: The die-in begins
david firn: The star of the show - the skeleton tandem
david firn: Watching me watching him (Robert Sharp)
david firn: Southwark Cyclists
david firn: John Griffin, Chairman of Addison Lee surrounded by cameras and security
david firn: John Griffin, Chairman of Addison Lee
david firn: Protesters resurected by the apearence of John griffin
david firn: It's a vole, apparently. Not a lemming in London traffic
david firn: A Polite protester
david firn: Another Road Tax payer
david firn: What can he be trying to say?
david firn: The iPayRoadTax posse
david firn: Nice panniers. Not quite big enough for a placard though
david firn: The magazine that started the whole thing
david firn: 101 Uses for an Addison Lee magazine
david firn: Another bike not being ridden in London