David Feuerhelm:
Be aware
David Feuerhelm:
Marking the north bank
David Feuerhelm:
Keeping mariners safe
David Feuerhelm:
An old fashioned lighthouse
David Feuerhelm:
On the Essex coast
David Feuerhelm:
The warning
David Feuerhelm:
Stripy Lighthouse
David Feuerhelm:
A Norfolk Lighthouse
David Feuerhelm:
David Feuerhelm:
At the pier's end
David Feuerhelm:
White tower
David Feuerhelm:
red and white
David Feuerhelm:
NZ nuggets
David Feuerhelm:
An orange source of light
David Feuerhelm:
Red, white and blue
David Feuerhelm:
The tower in the dark
David Feuerhelm:
The old and the new
David Feuerhelm:
Nugget Point, NZ
David Feuerhelm:
Nugget Point, NZ
David Feuerhelm:
Into the harbour
David Feuerhelm:
Little lighthouse
David Feuerhelm:
Danger, rocky shore!