Now and Here: CN Tower
Now and Here: It snowed and snowed and snowed
Now and Here: Room with a view
Now and Here: No room at the Inn
Now and Here: Dead trees reflected in stained glass window
Now and Here: quirky colour / colourful quirk
Now and Here: What's up the stairs?
Now and Here: Once a home
Now and Here: doorway: se vende soda agua-water
Now and Here: self-portrait #2
Now and Here: A window at night
Now and Here: casa familiar (family home)
Now and Here: Hillside hut at Machu Picchu, Peru
Now and Here: on the outside looking in
Now and Here: Looking out or inward
Now and Here: Welcome to the green room
Now and Here: Trapped inside
Now and Here: Entrance to the palace
Now and Here: Tough job, being a door...
Now and Here: Couple through old window
Now and Here: Doorway, Trujillo, Peru
Now and Here: Temptation
Now and Here: gritaré de alegría (i will shout for joy)
Now and Here: Door at night
Now and Here: Love and people: each available in various sizes.
Now and Here: Greetings
Now and Here: Toronto Island Ferry, and an odd coincidence...
Now and Here: Watch that last step...
Now and Here: Hallelujah
Now and Here: Stÿll