Now and Here: TTC moment: approaching bus stop
Now and Here: Shred Central
Now and Here: Tired of fleeing, I cower and wait...
Now and Here: pole, bird, sky
Now and Here: Sling me up to summer...
Now and Here: Across a crowded patio, it was... LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT!
Now and Here: late night, late train, late arrival
Now and Here: Drifting toward spring in 0th gear
Now and Here: The old ones await the river's return
Now and Here: Not quite the Jesus of the gospels
Now and Here: Carved birds in the ruins
Now and Here: Plane disappearing into clouds
Now and Here: Perfume Boutique
Now and Here: Happy Mothers Day
Now and Here: Foggy night at the mall
Now and Here: Detail: Inca stonework at Sacsayhuamán
Now and Here: Paws in action
Now and Here: The other side of winter
Now and Here: ¡sHaKe!
Now and Here: moment at the park
Now and Here: walk in the park
Now and Here: The Maker
Now and Here: Shadow as photographed from shadow
Now and Here: Inca wall at Sacsayhuamán
Now and Here: Family Practice
Now and Here: Free Texture: Peruvian flood plain
Now and Here: Jesus Saves. And for a bargain price, too.
Now and Here: over to the left
Now and Here: ♥♥
Now and Here: Four shadow people discuss the infestation