davidcwong888: B-Boying at Under Pressure Graffiti Festival...
davidcwong888: Hello...
davidcwong888: Urban Cowboy
davidcwong888: And I'll Take The Beauty of My Chaos Over Anyone Else's Ugly Perfection...
davidcwong888: The Golden Child...
davidcwong888: Smile...
davidcwong888: All Day I Dream About...
davidcwong888: Break Time at Under Pressure...
davidcwong888: Welcome to Montreal...
davidcwong888: Stare Down...
davidcwong888: Fellow Facebook Montreal Street Photogs Member...
davidcwong888: WTF Moment at Under Pressure...
davidcwong888: Tourists...
davidcwong888: Fellow Facebook Montreal Street Photogs Member...
davidcwong888: Urban Artist...
davidcwong888: Under Pressure Graffiti Festival