DavidC Photography: Opening the parcel
DavidC Photography: "It's my battery grip!"
DavidC Photography: Canon girl
DavidC Photography: Opening the box
DavidC Photography: Taking out the grip
DavidC Photography: Examining the BG-E5
DavidC Photography: "Where'd this come from?"
DavidC Photography: reading the manual!
DavidC Photography: Happy with her new toy
DavidC Photography: Removing the cartridge
DavidC Photography: "Huh?" - Looking inside
DavidC Photography: inserting the LP-E5 batteries
DavidC Photography: Firing her up
DavidC Photography: Pressing the buttons
DavidC Photography: BG-E5 on the 450D
DavidC Photography: Ready to shoot
DavidC Photography: portrait mode much better
DavidC Photography: Lower hold in landscape
DavidC Photography: focusing one way
DavidC Photography: focusing the other way
DavidC Photography: photographer revealed
DavidC Photography: more positions possible
DavidC Photography: examining the results
DavidC Photography: chimping my shots of her
DavidC Photography: backlit from behind
DavidC Photography: OK, pay attention...
DavidC Photography: BG-E5 on Canon 450D
DavidC Photography: 450D BG-E5 shadow
DavidC Photography: trying her telephoto now