Roustabout_photo: Full service
Roustabout_photo: Ames Pond
Roustabout_photo: Ames Pond
Roustabout_photo: The end of Patience, Justice and Mercy
Roustabout_photo: Morning walk
Roustabout_photo: Ames Pond
Roustabout_photo: Off to work
Roustabout_photo: Is There Water on Mars
Roustabout_photo: Looking for the forest through the trees
Roustabout_photo: What floats your boat?
Roustabout_photo: Causeway tide
Roustabout_photo: Lobster fishing with Leroy A. Weed, son of Charles C. WeedDeer Isle, Maine
Roustabout_photo: Summer is over and the memory will have to last till next year
Roustabout_photo: Old quarry on Deer isle Maine, overlooking the Deeris,and thoroughfare, camp island and Isla au Hout .
Roustabout_photo: It being able to see Theo ean through the trees on a path through a dark wood wandering .
Roustabout_photo: What’s better than a foggy morning listening to the fog horn at Mark Island Light, ships bells, the sound of throaty diesel lobster boat engine and the briny smell of the Atlantic Ocean.
Roustabout_photo: Room with a view
Roustabout_photo: Ames Pond