David Bryn: Food photos
David Bryn: Food photos
David Bryn: Food photos
David Bryn: Food photos
David Bryn: Food photos
David Bryn: Dish of the day
David Bryn: Pitta Peach
David Bryn: Veggie night: steamed asparagus & potatoes with hollandaise sauce
David Bryn: Meanwhile, on the other side of the world my Thai brother is munchin on the best Moo Ping (marinated pork skewer) in town
David Bryn: Simplicity
David Bryn: 1st Shepherd's pie attempt. Came out surpringly good
David Bryn: Chocolate mousse
David Bryn: Home made Khao Neeo Mamuang
David Bryn: Sticky rice is in da house!
David Bryn: First sticky rise attempt
David Bryn: Trying some new dim sum
David Bryn: Just another weekend (05-06-07/07/12)
David Bryn: Just another weekend (05-06-07/07/12)
David Bryn: RHCP Berlin 12/2011
David Bryn: RHCP Berlin 12/2011
David Bryn: RHCP Berlin 12/2011