David Brooker:
"Keep off my Daisy"
David Brooker:
October Daisies
David Brooker:
Western Conifer seed bug "Leptoglossus occidentalis"
David Brooker:
"Hitchhiker" Leptoglossus occidentalis
David Brooker:
Lacewing through double glazing
David Brooker:
Bishy Barny Bee
David Brooker:
Here comes Bishy
David Brooker:
Ladybird Lunch
David Brooker:
Small Bug on my Bivvy
David Brooker:
Mirid Bug - Rhabdomiris striatellus
David Brooker:
Common Blue Damselfly (Enallagma cyathigerum)
David Brooker:
Small Spider in my garage having his lunch :)
David Brooker:
David Brooker:
David Brooker:
Lady Splash
David Brooker:
Here comes Buggy!!
David Brooker:
Weevil, Polydrusus mollis
David Brooker:
Oedemera nobilis Beetle on Daisy :)
David Brooker:
Up the Daisy
David Brooker:
Lady on Daisy
David Brooker:
The small 14 spot Ladybird :) Propylea quattuordecimpunctata
David Brooker:
See you Jiminy
David Brooker:
Great Green Bush Cricket
David Brooker:
Green Capsid On Pink
David Brooker:
Green on Pink
David Brooker:
Havent managed to identify this Miridae Bug yet ?? or is it just a brown strain of the green capsid?
David Brooker:
Common Green Capsid "Lygocoris pabulinus"
David Brooker:
Scorpionfly (Panorpa panorpa)
David Brooker:
Birch Sheildbug