mostly.unoriginal: Berthoud
Tuomas Barenthin: ']_[==]\\[=
csinnbeck: Aarhus, 2024
No Great Hurry: London Wanderings - Underpass Selfie
sotblindLamp: DSC09125
lambert bank: guanockgate
jtr27: Interlaced
deniswiart: IMGP2381-2
HRN.POSHOR: 2024 11 06 Mall of Berlin
AstridWestvang: Photo exhibition
esintu: IMG_7463.JPG
[ Andreas Guenther ]: Antwerpen, Kempenstraat II (2025)
MonFolio (chr. Bernard): De fait, les passagers ont une drôle de tête
T. Brian Hager: Cooling Towers - IMG_8533
deniswiart: IMGP2407
Gordon Hunter: Rover... Sit.
Bo Dudas: New Topographics
Moni_bergauf: the playful side of me will be always with me
Joachim David Günther: 8242 Bibern, SH
jefvandenhoute: Golden layers
Peter Hungerford: As it was
柄松稔 minoru karamatsu: Kendama (cup-and-ball game)
bobgreeb: Crighton