davidblunkthe2nd: Bethany at Morimoto
davidblunkthe2nd: Mike @ Morimoto
davidblunkthe2nd: Place-setting, Morimoto
davidblunkthe2nd: Ketel One, straight up, dirty.
davidblunkthe2nd: Ceiling at Morimoto
davidblunkthe2nd: First Course
davidblunkthe2nd: Tiger's Eye
davidblunkthe2nd: Main Course
davidblunkthe2nd: Biergarten @ the Standard
davidblunkthe2nd: Having a proper manhattan in Manhattan
davidblunkthe2nd: Mikey @the Biergarten
davidblunkthe2nd: Dethlab @the Biergarten
davidblunkthe2nd: Self in hall of mirrors
davidblunkthe2nd: Interesting murals in Chelsea
davidblunkthe2nd: Facade of the Ace Hotel
davidblunkthe2nd: Produkt Placement - Bird ov Prey
davidblunkthe2nd: Produkt Placement - Dethlab
davidblunkthe2nd: Rooftop Shenanigans!
davidblunkthe2nd: Rooftop party
davidblunkthe2nd: Random Business or Mafia Front?
davidblunkthe2nd: Dawn-ish in Madison Square
davidblunkthe2nd: Avocado & Shrimp Salad
davidblunkthe2nd: Pot 'o Meatballs
davidblunkthe2nd: Soap Face!!
davidblunkthe2nd: Self @ Spitzer's
davidblunkthe2nd: Skullphone!
davidblunkthe2nd: Produkt Placement - Dethlab