[~db~] Photography: Stagecoach Lounge
[~db~] Photography: Tumble on Inn, Maybe Out
[~db~] Photography: Rusty 'n Crusty
[~db~] Photography: Deer at Rest
[~db~] Photography: Flower Barrel
[~db~] Photography: Dino Ghost
[~db~] Photography: Charge Ahead!
[~db~] Photography: Tigger, Too
[~db~] Photography: Antler & Stuff
[~db~] Photography: Rolling 7's @ Home
[~db~] Photography: Clocktower Church
[~db~] Photography: Douglas Ghost
[~db~] Photography: Wild Overstatement
[~db~] Photography: Arby's Hat
[~db~] Photography: Couple Big Loonies
[~db~] Photography: Coors on the Side
[~db~] Photography: Frozen Jackalope
[~db~] Photography: Frozen Wolf
[~db~] Photography: Cody Clothier
[~db~] Photography: Cold and Snow
[~db~] Photography: Now THOSE...
[~db~] Photography: Sunset Deer
[~db~] Photography: Big Horn Sheep
[~db~] Photography: Eerie Lantern
[~db~] Photography: Cacophony of Clouds
[~db~] Photography: Portable Shed