Nothing more than snapshots: Puigpedrós Pyrenean Peaks
Nothing more than snapshots: Soaring the Pyrenean border between France & Spain
Nothing more than snapshots: A decision to de-rig before the snowstorm
Nothing more than snapshots: KEJ soaring over Puigcerdà
Nothing more than snapshots: "La Cerdanya, KEJ established in lift over the Plantation"
Nothing more than snapshots: Tailcam view of the 25 launchpoint
Nothing more than snapshots: A fully held-off landing
Nothing more than snapshots: "La Cerdanya, Lima Golf Charlie finals 25"
Nothing more than snapshots: C-B-S-I-F-T-B-E-C
Nothing more than snapshots: Scrub Day in la Cerdanya
Nothing more than snapshots: Glider Pilots at Aeròdrom de La Cerdanya find lift after the hanger door is closed
Nothing more than snapshots: La Plaisance Bar-Restaurant-Routier