~David: Before
~David: Bump
~David: IMGP0342
~David: IMGP0489
~David: Nalini's birthday
~David: The night before the birth
~David: Waiting, many hours for the birth
~David: Age frontpage juniors birthday
~David: IMGP0622
~David: IMGP0602
~David: IMGP0601
~David: Hello
~David: First meeting
~David: IMGP0575
~David: First supper
~David: IMGP0635
~David: Kerry
~David: Michael
~David: Tina
~David: Mala
~David: Mum
~David: Mark
~David: First bath
~David: Slumber
~David: Mark
~David: Jim
~David: Collage - first visitors
~David: Dad
~David: Going home
~David: Roopa and Satch