BananaBuzzbomb: There's a new face in The Pack! #buzzbombcreatures #chihuahua #ratterrier #greyound #dogsofinstagram #adopt #rescue #inspiredbypets
BananaBuzzbomb: Instagram 2014
BananaBuzzbomb: Instagram 2014
BananaBuzzbomb: Say hello to Ojo, our one-eyed wonder and newest addition to the family. #buzzbombcreatures #chihuahua #dogsofinstagram #inspiredbypets #adopt #rescue
BananaBuzzbomb: First of many trips to @petsmart. New harness,wash, bowl, tag, and more for our newest addition. #adopt #rescue #buzzbombcreatures #dogsofinstagram #chihuahua #inspiredbypets
BananaBuzzbomb: Is Ojo adjusting well? I'll let you decide. #buzzbombcreatures #dogsofinstagram #chihuahua #adopt #rescue
BananaBuzzbomb: Instagram 2014
BananaBuzzbomb: Instagram 2014
BananaBuzzbomb: Instagram 2014
BananaBuzzbomb: Instagram 2014
BananaBuzzbomb: I feel the love. #dogsofinstagram #chihuahua #adopt #rescuedog #buzzbombcreatures #dogsofig
BananaBuzzbomb: Someone has finally found the toys and is on the run! #buzzbombcreatures #chihuahua #dogsofinstagram #inspiredbypets #rescue #adopt
BananaBuzzbomb: 'Rise and shine mama! What #adventure is planned for today?!' #buzzbombcreatures #chihuahua #dogsofinstagram #inspiredbypets
BananaBuzzbomb: This guy has a ental cleaning with 8 extractions yesterday. After such a tough day he slept most of today. One tough cookie. #buzzbombcreatures #chihuahua #dogsofinstagram #rescuedog #minimightmuttsreacue
BananaBuzzbomb: Heidi and Ojo
BananaBuzzbomb: Heidi and Ojo
BananaBuzzbomb: Heidi and Ojo
BananaBuzzbomb: Heidi and Ojo
BananaBuzzbomb: Heidi and Ojo
BananaBuzzbomb: Instagram 2014
BananaBuzzbomb: Instagram 2014
BananaBuzzbomb: Instagram 2014
BananaBuzzbomb: The boys are ready for a night of fireworks with their @thunderworks shirts. So grateful they work. #thundershirt #dogsofinstagram #ratterrier #chihuahua #buzzbombcreatures #4thofjuly
BananaBuzzbomb: Hard to believe this little fella has been part of our family for 2 months now. On one hand it seems like just yesterday but he fits so well that it feels like a lifetime. #buzzbombcreatures #minimightymutts #rescue #dogsofinstagram #chihuahua
BananaBuzzbomb: Love this little guy. #chihuahua #minpin #minimightymutts #adopt #seniordog #rescue #dogsofinstagram
BananaBuzzbomb: Instagram 2014
BananaBuzzbomb: Ojo has finally decided that Spencer is a pretty rad brother....or he's just trying to steal Spencer's bed.
BananaBuzzbomb: He carries a toy with him wherever he goes.
BananaBuzzbomb: Instagram 2014
BananaBuzzbomb: Instagram 2014