David Wilmot: Bathing on the Ghats
David Wilmot: Prayers on the Ghats
David Wilmot: Bustling riverbank
David Wilmot: Bathing in the Ganges
David Wilmot: In the Water
David Wilmot: Play on the river
David Wilmot: Washing on the banks of the Ganges
David Wilmot: Washing clothes on the bank of the Ganges
David Wilmot: Group on the bank
David Wilmot: Morning bath
David Wilmot: Washing clothes on the bank of the Ganges
David Wilmot: Ganges Bank
David Wilmot: Reading Prayers
David Wilmot: Changing
David Wilmot: Wall carving #1
David Wilmot: Wall carving #2
David Wilmot: Sarnath
David Wilmot: Sunrise on the Ganges #1
David Wilmot: Firewood
David Wilmot: Firewood up close
David Wilmot: Morning yoga meditation
David Wilmot: Sunrise on the Ganges #2
David Wilmot: Morning ritual
David Wilmot: Making chapatti
David Wilmot: Ritual
David Wilmot: Incense Boat
David Wilmot: Sitting by the Ganges
David Wilmot: Silk Shawls
David Wilmot: Bird by the Ganges