David Thyberg: Walking on water?
David Thyberg: Skating on a mirror
David Thyberg: Grey Heron
David Thyberg: Four calves
David Thyberg: Calf on an alp
David Thyberg: Calf with bell
David Thyberg: Curious Calves
David Thyberg: Alp Church
David Thyberg: Green Landscape
David Thyberg: Rope & Cleat
David Thyberg: Autumn Red
David Thyberg: Bus Overtake
David Thyberg: Narrow Streets
David Thyberg: Galapagos Land Iguana
David Thyberg: Red-billed Tropicbird
David Thyberg: Galapagos Land Iguana
David Thyberg: Swallow-tailed Gull
David Thyberg: Swallow-tailed Gull
David Thyberg: Sea Lion and ship
David Thyberg: Sea Lion
David Thyberg: Galapagos Brown Pelican
David Thyberg: Swallow-tailed Gulls
David Thyberg: Lava Heron
David Thyberg: Galápagos Tortoise
David Thyberg: Galápagos Tortoise
David Thyberg: Painted Locust
David Thyberg: Any leftovers? Pleeease!
David Thyberg: Three boats and a sea lion