Point_and_Shooter: Reston, Virginia
Point_and_Shooter: refraction
Point_and_Shooter: Draw the Curtain
Point_and_Shooter: power lines
Point_and_Shooter: Bluemont, Virginia
Point_and_Shooter: Smallwood State Park, Maryland
Point_and_Shooter: McDonough County, IL
Point_and_Shooter: snow flurries
Point_and_Shooter: The Wilderness Battlefield
Point_and_Shooter: windy morning at the beach
Point_and_Shooter: Hampton National Historic Site, Maryland
Point_and_Shooter: Meadowlark Botanical Gardens, Virginia
Point_and_Shooter: dead leaves
Point_and_Shooter: Waterford, Virginia
Point_and_Shooter: Mount Desert Island, Maine
Point_and_Shooter: Acadia National Park
Point_and_Shooter: Eagle Lake
Point_and_Shooter: Mount Desert Island, Maine
Point_and_Shooter: Jordon Pond
Point_and_Shooter: Hampton National Historical Site, Maryland
Point_and_Shooter: Harpers Ferry, West Virginia
Point_and_Shooter: Clarke County, Virginia