David_and_Marilyn_King: Ruins stacked in the low chapel
David_and_Marilyn_King: Banquet Hall_1
David_and_Marilyn_King: Banquet Hall_2
David_and_Marilyn_King: The Palatine Chapel
David_and_Marilyn_King: The Cathedral treasure
David_and_Marilyn_King: Calice du sacre du roi
David_and_Marilyn_King: Statues from the XIII centuary
David_and_Marilyn_King: Statue of knight in armour
David_and_Marilyn_King: Photo of where the knight was on the cathedral
David_and_Marilyn_King: Head of Christ the pilgrim
David_and_Marilyn_King: Tapestries in the Palais de Tau
David_and_Marilyn_King: Royal statue in room with tapestries
David_and_Marilyn_King: Sculpture of the crowning of the Virgin
David_and_Marilyn_King: The crowning of the Virgin, detail
David_and_Marilyn_King: Plaque, le couronnement de la Vierge
David_and_Marilyn_King: Marilyn on the stairs
David_and_Marilyn_King: Gift shop, Palais du Tau