David&Liz5152: Barton Hills, 8.7.13
David&Liz5152: Barton Hills, 8.7.13
David&Liz5152: The photographer ....
David&Liz5152: Barton Hills, 8.7.13
David&Liz5152: White Bryony
David&Liz5152: Thistle (?Spear)
David&Liz5152: Small Tortoiseshell
David&Liz5152: Hairy St John's Wort
David&Liz5152: Hairy St John's Wort #2
David&Liz5152: Eyebright
David&Liz5152: Agrimony
David&Liz5152: Agrimony #2
David&Liz5152: Woolly Thistle
David&Liz5152: 114 modified
David&Liz5152: Common Rock-rose and Lady's Bedstraw
David&Liz5152: Woolly Thistle flower-bud
David&Liz5152: Viper's Bugloss
David&Liz5152: Viper's Bugloss (2)
David&Liz5152: Field Scabious
David&Liz5152: Field Scabious (2)
David&Liz5152: Clustered Bellflower
David&Liz5152: Meadowsweet
David&Liz5152: Sainfoin
David&Liz5152: Dwarf Thistle
David&Liz5152: Common Twayblade - detail
David&Liz5152: Common Twayblade
David&Liz5152: Common Spotted Orchid variant
David&Liz5152: Common Spotted Orchid variant #2
David&Liz5152: Common Spotted/Fragrant Orchid hybrid
David&Liz5152: Barton Hills, 8.7.13