davidhoar: AA267363 The day begins
davidhoar: AA267367 Northern Shoveller American Wigeon and Mallards
davidhoar: AA267370 Snow Goose
davidhoar: AA267374 Glaucous-winged Gull
davidhoar: AA267383 Snow Goose
davidhoar: AA267394 Cackling Goose
davidhoar: AA267409 Snow Goose on the bay
davidhoar: AA267416 Golden-crowned Sparrow
davidhoar: AA267421 Common Loon
davidhoar: AA267429 Brewers Blackbird
davidhoar: AA267439 Hybrid Western X Glaucous-winged Gull
davidhoar: AA267455 Who is on the right with WEME
davidhoar: AA267481 Northern Shrike crp-DeNoiseAI-severe-noise
davidhoar: AA267504 Savannah Sparrow
davidhoar: AA267517 Savannah Sparrow
davidhoar: AA267527 Snow Goose
davidhoar: AA267532 Sea Rocket in bloom Oct 27
davidhoar: AA267538 Scaup flock offshore
davidhoar: AA267553 Western Meadowlark
davidhoar: AA267562 Great Blue Heron
davidhoar: AA267564 Green-winged Teal
davidhoar: AA267572 House Sparrow
davidhoar: AA267577 Greater Yellowlegs
davidhoar: AA267585 Long-billed Dowitcher
davidhoar: AA267600 Long-billed Dowitcher
davidhoar: AA267630 Northern Harrier
davidhoar: AA267644 Panic - What just happened
davidhoar: AA267644
davidhoar: AA267649 Short-billed Gulls
davidhoar: AA267649 mainly Short-billed and Ring-billed Gulls