David's photo: Rick and his Daughter
David's photo: Haward and Annebelle
David's photo: Haward and Annebelle
David's photo: Haward and Annebelle
David's photo: Garden at tea time place
David's photo: Ash Tray
David's photo: Mage C--Cold drink
David's photo: Bamboo Stick
David's photo: Dessert
David's photo: IMG_2861
David's photo: Spaghetti !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
David's photo: 小黃跟他的Spaghetti
David's photo: Hum......Taste nice!
David's photo: It's me called David.....I'm not really good looking at photo
David's photo: 思穎....This photo took by another friend
David's photo: Jaio zho Road(膠州路) at Shanghai
David's photo: Statu at Jiu Guang(久光)----靜安寺
David's photo: Jing An tempo at Shanghai