Dusty V: (294/365) "Dude, i'd like you to take my picture with that awesome looking camera!"
Dusty V: The Pyramid stage. Glastonbury 2011
Dusty V: (293/365) Glastonbury Festival 2011, Day 1! Look at the mud already!
Dusty V: Row of chairs @ Glastonbury 2011
Dusty V: Sunday night at Glastonbury 2011
Dusty V: (295/365) Dick!
Dusty V: (296/365) Red coat at the Pyramid
Dusty V: Sundown at the other stage
Dusty V: (297/365) Late night as the crowd starts to migrate towards Shangri-La
Dusty V: (298/365) ARCADIA!
Dusty V: Glastonbury Festival at the Pyramid Stage 2011