daveynin: The sign says it at all
daveynin: Path to historic Capitol Columns
daveynin: L - O - V - E alley
daveynin: Yahoo! Graduation academic cap flying high!
daveynin: Lantern Lights Festival: Friends takes lantern to float up
daveynin: The barn stood alone in flat landscape
daveynin: Marlena walks under the rainbow
daveynin: Indian Head overlook, Adirondack Park
daveynin: Heart Lake in the morning
daveynin: Under the Viaduct
daveynin: The dog relaxes and watch nature outside
daveynin: Triangle building between Smithfield Street and Liberty Avenue
daveynin: Leaves falling on Great Allegheny Passage
daveynin: Panorama of Pittsburgh pothole
daveynin: Ladies at work: Lipsticks
daveynin: Fans cheer with Terrible Towel
daveynin: Nozka the cat under xmas tree
daveynin: Nationality Rooms Open House: View Commons Room
daveynin: Marlana and Organ Pipe Cactus
daveynin: Silhouette of Saguaro in Organ Pipe Cactus NM
daveynin: Campsite in Alamo Canyon Primitive Campgrouind
daveynin: The fist of the rock
daveynin: Through the Blue Mesa loop
daveynin: Lone SUV vehicle sitting in parking lot
daveynin: Sedona Winter Solistice
daveynin: My 25 photos chosen for 2019