daveynin: Entrance to Crater Lake on Oregon Route 62
daveynin: From Mountain to Lake
daveynin: First sight of deep blue lake
daveynin: Clear Deep Blue
daveynin: Wizard Island
daveynin: Volcanoes within a Volcano
daveynin: Looking deep into the base from top of crater
daveynin: Visitor Center sightseeing
daveynin: A day in the evening of Crater Lake
daveynin: Crater Lake Lodge
daveynin: Crater Lake Lodge's fireplace
daveynin: Historic car and the lodge
daveynin: One last look of the lake in the evening
daveynin: Silhouette Crater Lake trees
daveynin: Crater Lake in early morning
daveynin: Crater Lake: sunlight is coming #1
daveynin: Crater Lake: sunlight is coming #2
daveynin: Crater Lake: A morning spot to remember
daveynin: Diamond Peak close-up
daveynin: View of Mount McLoughlin
daveynin: Wizard Island in the morning
daveynin: Can you find Pumice Castle?
daveynin: Crater Lake in the early morning
daveynin: The new day at Crater Lake
daveynin: Around the grass at top of Crater Lake
daveynin: Whitebark Pines
daveynin: Windy Existence
daveynin: Witness the Pinnacles from parking lot
daveynin: Pinnacles Trailhead
daveynin: Take a look from nearby Pinnacles cliffs