daveynin: The Wreck of the Peter Iredale
daveynin: Close up of Wreck of the Peter Iredale
daveynin: Distance from the shipwreck
daveynin: Shore beach is nearly flat
daveynin: Panorama: Wreck of the Peter Iredale
daveynin: Silhouette of Peter Iredale
daveynin: Map of Fort Stevens
daveynin: South Jetty: Oregon's most Northwest of state
daveynin: View from South Jetty Observation Tower
daveynin: Pacific Ocean and beach shore
daveynin: Entrance to Fort Stevens
daveynin: David walking on wet beach shore
daveynin: Driving through deep forest
daveynin: View of Ecola Point: Chapman Point
daveynin: Overview of Pacific Ocean and Oregon mountains
daveynin: Ecola Point overlook
daveynin: Distinct view of Indian Beach
daveynin: Ecola Point coastal rock boulders
daveynin: Walking on Indian Beach
daveynin: Salamander
daveynin: Indian Beach Trail by Oregon state tree, Douglas fir
daveynin: Take a look of Arch rock boulders
daveynin: View from Bald Point
daveynin: Blue jellyfish washed away on sand beach
daveynin: View between the pine trees
daveynin: David looking up the Oregon state tree, Douglas fir
daveynin: Hikes taking a picture
daveynin: She is alone in the beach
daveynin: On the side of Seal Rock
daveynin: Seal Rock