daveynin: Mount Revelstoke welcomes you
daveynin: Sneak peek view of Revelstoke town
daveynin: Mount Revelstoke: Rainforest Rest
daveynin: Revelstoke's National Park
daveynin: Marlena take a pause to view overlook
daveynin: Subalpine view summit area
daveynin: Arctic lupine wildflower
daveynin: Wlidflowers in Mount Revelstoke
daveynin: Marlena hiking past the wildflowers
daveynin: March of Arctic lipine flora
daveynin: Through the summit trail views
daveynin: Koo Koo lookout
daveynin: North Parapet lookout
daveynin: Heading to Historic Fire Lookout
daveynin: South Parapet lookout
daveynin: Summit/Sommet
daveynin: View from the summit
daveynin: Balsam Lake
daveynin: Canada's another iconic red chair in Mount Revelstoke
daveynin: Western Welcome Station
daveynin: Stream flowing
daveynin: S-turn boardwalk
daveynin: Walking across the wetlands
daveynin: Close low-view of wetlands
daveynin: Another red chair at Skunk Cabbage
daveynin: Flora reach growth peak in summer season
daveynin: Entrance to old-growth rain forest
daveynin: Giant Cedars boardway
daveynin: Fallen Cedar log
daveynin: Through the boardway: Giant Cedars