daveynin: Entering Pinnacle National sign
daveynin: Condor Gulch Trailhead
daveynin: Looking above the High Peaks
daveynin: Pinnacles and Condor Gulch trailline
daveynin: Going, going, closer to High Peaks
daveynin: Pinnacle rock lichens.. focusing
daveynin: Condor Cultch Overlook
daveynin: Lizard on San Andres fault
daveynin: Sightseeing over Pinnacles East
daveynin: A Beautiful Place
daveynin: Heading down
daveynin: Trails Junction: High Peaks and Condor Gultch
daveynin: Pinnacles or Monoliths?
daveynin: View south from the trail
daveynin: Top Pinnacles
daveynin: Volcanic pinnacles rocks
daveynin: Red lichens on top
daveynin: Standing on Trail
daveynin: Through San Andreas fault
daveynin: Through the monoliths on High Peaks Trail
daveynin: Rock formation tells the story
daveynin: Another shot of San Andreas fault
daveynin: High Peaks Trail path through monoliths
daveynin: Stay on trail
daveynin: How are you, pinnacle lizard?
daveynin: Begin of steep trail stairway ascend
daveynin: Narrow stairs
daveynin: Looking for condor in High Peaks
daveynin: Narrow trail to hold rails
daveynin: High Peaks overlook