daveyp.: what remains | 8/365
daveyp.: cuddles with pip | 7/365
daveyp.: in-camera double exposure | 6/365
daveyp.: office minimalism | 5/365
daveyp.: winter berries | 4/365
daveyp.: bauble selfie | 3/365
daveyp.: morning on the market square | 2/365
daveyp.: living room light | 1/365
daveyp.: duvet day | 9/365
daveyp.: dried flowers | 10/365
daveyp.: visiting grandad | 11/365
daveyp.: sunrise over irchester | 12/365
daveyp.: low mist | 13/365
daveyp.: hazey | 14/365
daveyp.: weekend reflection | 15/365
daveyp.: bramble says hi | 16/365
daveyp.: our town | 17/365
daveyp.: soldiering on | 18/365
daveyp.: afternoon shadows | 19/365
daveyp.: vintage lens | 20/365
daveyp.: Matt | 21/365
daveyp.: monstera double-exposure | 22/365
daveyp.: my favourites | 23/365
daveyp.: blush | 24/265
daveyp.: cake slice | 25/365
daveyp.: yellow lines | 26/365
daveyp.: it's a small world | 27/365
daveyp.: office shadows | 28/365
daveyp.: wedding flowers | 29/365
daveyp.: blossom, the menace | 30/365