davew27: Walsall's populace has concern for their environment.
davew27: On the left is typical Walsall, on the right is nice Walsall.
davew27: No idea why there's a giant Ghostbusters themed tag by the Walsall canal basin.
davew27: That's right, someone in Walsall in an unwashed lawbreaker!
davew27: Non ominous graffiti.
davew27: The odd one out.
davew27: Someone has erased insults with spray paint.
davew27: No idea.
davew27: Islamophobic graffiti partly erased.
davew27: Discover Walsall!
davew27: No, not getting that one either.
davew27: Not only is there a payphone round here, but it's been vandalised
davew27: Someone even threw away a Corze bumper
davew27: Seriously