SmH_K: Coal tit
*Zorroplata: Ogier, simplemente : La bestia. - Ogier, simply : The beast
robertosivieri: DOUBLE SUN
robertevans17: Llanberis Autumn European Robin
DonCoombez: Stinging nettle
David JP64: Birthday cake
DonCoombez: Tip top
Through_Urizen: First light (
Through_Urizen: I wished ... (
woodytyke: FTW 47H Ford Escort Mk.1. 1850 TC The Motorist Sherburn in Elmet Yorkshire
"Meowdmarra": Cat 775D and Cat 990H Loading Shovel,Load and Haul Operations,Dove Holes,Derbyshire,UK.
"Meowdmarra": 1938 Allis Chalmers Model M Crawler,Derbyshire,UK.
One Digital Eye Photography: Blea tarn - Lake District Lake
szeke: Torrres del Paine, Chile
szeke: Torres del Paine, Chile
urban expl: Turbine
Berny S2: Zeche Zweckel
Marcus Legg: Happy Lab
LOPEZ LUCIANO 8,000,000 VISITAS.GRACIAS....: Aves de Lawrenceville.Georgia.: Gorrión coronirrufo o cejiblanco.( Spizella passerina.) Chipping sparrow.
szeke: Antarctica seal
kundeg2: Maschinenhalle, ehemalige Zeche Zollern, Dortmund / Machine plant at the former coal mine Zeche Zollern, Dortmund
Berny S2: Zeche Zweckel
stefaan.decuypere: Hydropower plant
stefaan.decuypere: Powerplant 1929_007
stefaan.decuypere: Abandoned green hydroelectric power plant_012
szeke: Antarctica penguin
big_jeff_leo: 1938 Matchless 500cc Motorcycle