Dave Trott: From Graving Docks HDR 1
Dave Trott: From Graving Docks HDR 2
Dave Trott: From Graving Docks HDR 3
Dave Trott: From Graving Docks HDR 3
Dave Trott: Graving Docks Pump House HDR 1
Dave Trott: Graving Docks Pump House HDR 2
Dave Trott: Tired
Dave Trott: Tired 2
Dave Trott: To the tower
Dave Trott: Grime way down
Dave Trott: Art 2
Dave Trott: Pump house roof
Dave Trott: Last night was a bit on the heavy side.
Dave Trott: Sky reflected on the black water
Dave Trott: Capstan
Dave Trott: Polis
Dave Trott: Capstan
Dave Trott: Another tribe beyond
Dave Trott: Another tribe beyond
Dave Trott: Another tribe beyond
Dave Trott: Walkway
Dave Trott: Sub walkway
Dave Trott: Switchers
Dave Trott: Art beacon
Dave Trott: Coupling
Dave Trott: Pump house
Dave Trott: Function lost to me.