DaveTaylorPhotography: Canada Goose
DaveTaylorPhotography: Egyptian Goose
DaveTaylorPhotography: Tufted Ducks
DaveTaylorPhotography: Canada Goose
DaveTaylorPhotography: Egyptian Goose
DaveTaylorPhotography: Egyptian Goose
DaveTaylorPhotography: Egyptian Goose
DaveTaylorPhotography: Mallard and Ducklings
DaveTaylorPhotography: Teal and Shoveler
DaveTaylorPhotography: Mallard Drake coming in to Land
DaveTaylorPhotography: Wigeon taking to the Air
DaveTaylorPhotography: Male and Female Shoveler Ducks
DaveTaylorPhotography: Flight of Pintails
DaveTaylorPhotography: Canada Geese in Close Formation
DaveTaylorPhotography: Male Teal at the Water's Edge
DaveTaylorPhotography: Canada Geese
DaveTaylorPhotography: Egyptian Goose