Dave's Picture Gallery:
Asahel Curtis park
Dave's Picture Gallery:
Camp Brinkley
Dave's Picture Gallery:
Camp Brinkley
Dave's Picture Gallery:
The Brides head
Dave's Picture Gallery:
Old truck (Oct, 2006)
Dave's Picture Gallery:
Old truck (Oct, 2006)
Dave's Picture Gallery:
My first ride...Not really! (Oct, 2006)
Dave's Picture Gallery:
Chalk outline Pike's Place Market (January 27, 2007)
Dave's Picture Gallery:
Snooze Junction Pizza (Feb 10, 2007)
Dave's Picture Gallery:
Snooze Junction Pizza (Feb 10, 2007)
Dave's Picture Gallery:
A night at Seattle Center (Feb 10, 2007)
Dave's Picture Gallery:
A night at Seattle Center (Feb 10, 2007)
Dave's Picture Gallery:
A night at Seattle Center (Feb 10, 2007)
Dave's Picture Gallery:
A night at Seattle Center (Feb 10, 2007)
Dave's Picture Gallery:
A night at Seattle Center (Feb 10, 2007)
Dave's Picture Gallery:
Aliens do exist!
Dave's Picture Gallery:
James Bonds clock.
Dave's Picture Gallery:
The world from a rubber bands point of view.
Dave's Picture Gallery:
Rubber bands afoot.
Dave's Picture Gallery:
The great rubber band escape.
Dave's Picture Gallery:
Which item doesn't belong?
Dave's Picture Gallery:
Rubber Band background
Dave's Picture Gallery:
Remote Control
Dave's Picture Gallery:
Clock Settings
Dave's Picture Gallery:
Egyptian Sphinx in the light.
Dave's Picture Gallery:
Jen and Ed's pre wedding party (Feb 17, 2007)
Dave's Picture Gallery:
Volunteer Park Conservatory (Feb 20, 2007)
Dave's Picture Gallery:
One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish (May 19, 2007)
Dave's Picture Gallery:
The rain (May 19, 2007)
Dave's Picture Gallery:
The rain (May 19, 2007)