davescape: Warehouse of Antique hardwoods
davescape: Friendly locals
davescape: Endless mud
davescape: House for Sale
davescape: House for Sale 2
davescape: Tour guide
davescape: Dining Hall Table
davescape: Dining Hall Table
davescape: Antique Lumber
davescape: Wall Art
davescape: Big Chair
davescape: Iron Wood Railroad Ties Table
davescape: Stoneyard Boneyard
davescape: Solid Onyx Coffee Table
davescape: Scott the stone worker
davescape: Backroads of East Java.
davescape: Stone Sinks
davescape: Onlooker
davescape: smiling goat
davescape: Petrified Wood
davescape: Stone Carver
davescape: Petrified Wood Stools
davescape: Becek in Blitar
davescape: Breakfast
davescape: Joanie
davescape: Dave, suddenly tall
davescape: Teak Stump Coffee Table
davescape: Antique Rice Pounders
davescape: at Prambanan
davescape: The team