DaveRob67: Winner Abdi Nageeye runs in (on the right)
DaveRob67: Mark Christie & Matthew Hynes battle for 2nd and 3rd place
DaveRob67: Mark has it
DaveRob67: Winner Abdi Nageeye
DaveRob67: Fellow NYMAC Darren Clements
DaveRob67: Me! (1063, black/yellow NYMAC)
DaveRob67: Cropped in on me and the Ghurkas (I had a head start on them though)
DaveRob67: Home straight, Summer of 69 was blasting out the speakers!
DaveRob67: Back in the stand
DaveRob67: 150705-010
DaveRob67: 3rd place lady, Michelle Nolan
DaveRob67: Great North 10k Women 1/2/3 2015
DaveRob67: Great North 10k 2015 Fionnuala McCormack, Alex Sneddon, Michelle Nolan
DaveRob67: Great North 10k 2015 ladies 1/2/3
DaveRob67: 3rd place Matty Hynes gets his medal
DaveRob67: 3rd place Matthew Hynes Gateshead Harries, was NYMAC
DaveRob67: Great North 10k 2015 mens 1/2/3
DaveRob67: 150705-018
DaveRob67: Abdi Nageeye, Mark Christie and Matthew Hynes 1/2/3 Great North 10k 2015
DaveRob67: Abdi Nageeye, Mark Christie and Matthew Hynes 1/2/3 Great North 10k 2015
DaveRob67: Me after the race
DaveRob67: The Great North Run Millionth Finisher Tracey Cramond
DaveRob67: The Big Pink Dress Arrives
DaveRob67: Colin Plews in the big pink dress for breast cancer, awesome!
DaveRob67: Rasing money for Breast Cancer Now
DaveRob67: 150705-026