Dave Pelland: Grant's Tomb
Dave Pelland: The Grant Sarcophagi
Dave Pelland: Murals
Dave Pelland: Surrender at Appomattox
Dave Pelland: Grant's Mexican War Service display
Dave Pelland: Flag Case
Dave Pelland: Display Board
Dave Pelland: Corner Bookshop
Dave Pelland: The Usual Assortment
Dave Pelland: Looking at the Dome
Dave Pelland: The Sarcophagi
Dave Pelland: George Henry Thomas bust
Dave Pelland: Edward Ord bust
Dave Pelland: William Tecumseh Sherman
Dave Pelland: Philip Sheriden
Dave Pelland: James Birdseye McPherson
Dave Pelland: Behind Grant's Tomb
Dave Pelland: The Ginko Tree
Dave Pelland: Grant's Tomb, from behind
Dave Pelland: Mosaic Benches
Dave Pelland: Grant's Tomb Signage
Dave Pelland: Grant's Tomb Plaza
Dave Pelland: Grant's Tomb
Dave Pelland: Carl Schurz Memorial
Dave Pelland: Carl Shurz Memorial