Dave Pelland: Laurel and Summer
Dave Pelland: Deb and Eva
Dave Pelland: Papi and Summer
Dave Pelland: Papi in action
Dave Pelland: Eva and Laurel
Dave Pelland: Laurel and Linn
Dave Pelland: Summer, Papi and Eva
Dave Pelland: Chris and Deb
Dave Pelland: Papi outside
Dave Pelland: Unwrapping a gift
Dave Pelland: Papi getting closer to the prize
Dave Pelland: Papi and Dad
Dave Pelland: The entree
Dave Pelland: Our table
Dave Pelland: The gang around the table
Dave Pelland: Poinsettia
Dave Pelland: Sally and Karina
Dave Pelland: Karina not looking up
Dave Pelland: Downtown Derby