daven1024: Black Tern Knox-Marcellus Marsh Montezuma NWR, Tyre, NY
daven1024: Black Tern Knox-Marcellus Marsh Montezuma NWR, Tyre, NY
daven1024: Black Tern Knox-Marcellus Marsh Montezuma NWR, Tyre, NY
daven1024: Black Tern Knox-Marcellus Marsh Montezuma NWR, Tyre, NY
daven1024: Black Tern Knox-Marcellus Marsh Montezuma NWR, Tyre, NY
daven1024: Tundra Swan Knox-Marcellus Marsh Montezuma NWR, Tyre, NY
daven1024: Tundra Swan Knox-Marcellus Marsh Montezuma NWR, Tyre, NY
daven1024: Tundra Swan Knox-Marcellus Marsh Montezuma NWR, Tyre, NY
daven1024: Trumpeter Swan Knox-Marcellus Marsh Montezuma NWR, Tyre, NY
daven1024: Caspian Terns Knox-Marcellus Marsh Montezuma NWR, Tyre, NY
daven1024: Pectoral Sandpiper Knox-Marcellus Marsh Montezuma NWR, Tyre, NY
daven1024: Pectoral Sandpiper Knox-Marcellus Marsh Montezuma NWR, Tyre, NY
daven1024: Pectoral Sandpiper Knox-Marcellus Marsh Montezuma NWR, Tyre, NY
daven1024: Pectoral Sandpiper Knox-Marcellus Marsh Montezuma NWR, Tyre, NY
daven1024: Redhead Puddler's Marsh Montezuma NWR, Tyre, NY
daven1024: Solitary Sandpiper before Larue's Montezuma Wildlife Drive, NY
daven1024: Dowitchers and mainly yellowlegs Knox-Marcellus Marsh Montezuma NWR, Tyre, NY
daven1024: Dowitchers and Yellowlegs Knox-Marcellus Marsh Montezuma NWR, Tyre, NY
daven1024: Solitary Sandpiper Knox-Marcellus Marsh Montezuma NWR, Tyre, NY