Daveybot: Tersius belaying an army of Guys
Daveybot: Ratho
Daveybot: Watching the army of Guys
Daveybot: Sarah
Daveybot: Guy nears the summit
Daveybot: Ratho
Daveybot: James & Tersius
Daveybot: Sarah
Daveybot: Ready, set, go!
Daveybot: Ratho
Daveybot: An army of Guys
Daveybot: climbing at Benney Beg
Daveybot: climbing at Benney Beg
Daveybot: climbing at Benney Beg
Daveybot: climbing at Benney Beg
Daveybot: Daveybot reaches the top
Daveybot: Sarah - another action shot!
Daveybot: Christian & Sarah
Daveybot: Hosepipe ban not yet in place.
Daveybot: Ratho
Daveybot: Ratho
Daveybot: Sarah - action shot!
Daveybot: Leaving Ratho
Daveybot: Climbing at Dunira
Daveybot: Climbing at Dunira - Spider Guy
Daveybot: Look at that stretch!
Daveybot: Climbing at Dunira - Sarah on her way up
Daveybot: Climbing at Dunira
Daveybot: Climbing at Dunira
Daveybot: Dangle