Daveybot: how to go up half a level
Daveybot: Schattner library
Daveybot: handle
Daveybot: ceiling
Daveybot: Museum door
Daveybot: Schattner light fitting
Daveybot: Stair
Daveybot: Chapel
Daveybot: Schattner corridor
Daveybot: concrete text
Daveybot: staircase
Daveybot: Best doorhandle I've seen
Daveybot: Mmmm... ballustrades
Daveybot: Stairing me in the face
Daveybot: Murphy & Metzstein
Daveybot: Ashley radiating
Daveybot: bathroom
Daveybot: red stairs
Daveybot: Peter successfully removes the camera from his face
Daveybot: Craig and Steve
Daveybot: cemetary entrance
Daveybot: busted
Daveybot: Heyyyy, Craig Amy! I wanna knowwww oh oh...
Daveybot: Cemetary chapel
Daveybot: radiator
Daveybot: One looking up, one looking down. Eyes to the sky, nose to the ground.
Daveybot: Headline: Burglar Foiled By Doilie.
Daveybot: It's a hell of an approach
Daveybot: tension sheet
Daveybot: IT'S BEHIND YOU!