DaveHuth: Drawing0906091
DaveHuth: IMG_8904
DaveHuth: IMG_8905
DaveHuth: House of Please
DaveHuth: House of Please, matted
DaveHuth: Young Medusa and Friend
DaveHuth: Young Medusa and Friend, detail
DaveHuth: Teatime for Us, detail
DaveHuth: Teatime for Us
DaveHuth: Punkus and the Snapdragon, detail
DaveHuth: Punkus and the Snapdragon
DaveHuth: He Has this Thing
DaveHuth: Tentacular
DaveHuth: Pals in the Vortex
DaveHuth: Pals in the Vortex (detail)
DaveHuth: Meditating on the Mess
DaveHuth: Meditating on the Mess (detail)
DaveHuth: Thinkin' About It (detail)
DaveHuth: Thinkin' About It
DaveHuth: Unintentionally Boris
DaveHuth: Unintentionally Boris (detail)
DaveHuth: The Orator
DaveHuth: The Orator (detail)
DaveHuth: These Three
DaveHuth: These Three (detail)
DaveHuth: I Have a Magical Pitcher of Average Coffee
DaveHuth: I Have a Powerful Sandwich