DaveHuth: Photo Taken by My Daughter, Age 22 mos., Who Can't Get the Shoes on the Right Feet
DaveHuth: Title
DaveHuth: Sprout
DaveHuth: This is why I get out of bed every day.
DaveHuth: Best. Baby. Ever.
DaveHuth: Winter adventure
DaveHuth: Yogurt Art
DaveHuth: Gladi's glasses
DaveHuth: Christmas Morning
DaveHuth: Squat break
DaveHuth: Gladi among the heathers
DaveHuth: Reader
DaveHuth: Basket Full O' Gladi
DaveHuth: Jolly Triptych
DaveHuth: Caught in the sun
DaveHuth: The Queen Surveys Her Domain
DaveHuth: Shiva the Disheveler
DaveHuth: Lori and Gladi observe the world from the same vantage
DaveHuth: Bubble
DaveHuth: Gladi upside down
DaveHuth: Lizard Princess
DaveHuth: Gladiola in fragments
DaveHuth: Christmas Spirit
DaveHuth: Owlberry
DaveHuth: Owlberry
DaveHuth: Owlberry
DaveHuth: Owlberry
DaveHuth: Owlberry
DaveHuth: This Morning's Projects
DaveHuth: This Morning's Projects