~~dave~~: 1/365 - Jan 1, 2009
~~dave~~: 002/365 - Jan 2, 2009 70-200mm f2.8L IS USM: lens porn for tomcahill
~~dave~~: 003/365 - Baby in the Mirror
~~dave~~: 004/365.. WALL-E
~~dave~~: 005/365 - the boot
~~dave~~: 006/365 - NeRdS!
~~dave~~: 007/365 - Levitating..
~~dave~~: 008/365 - Guess I won't be wearing my contacts for a while :-P (liquefied)
~~dave~~: 009/365 - Baby K snapshot
~~dave~~: 10/365 - strobist experiment
~~dave~~: 011/365, Jan 11, 2009 - Daddy, I'm walking!
~~dave~~: 012/365: Jan 12, 2009 - Tag.. I guess I'm it, 16 Things
~~dave~~: 013/365, Jan 13, 2009: playing with water
~~dave~~: 014/365, Jan14,2009: uncluttered - gotta have KD
~~dave~~: 015/365, Jan15,2009: Fire
~~dave~~: 016/365, Jan16,2009: Baby Furby product shot
~~dave~~: 017/365, Jan17,2009 "Are you just going to stand there?" for FGR Caption this
~~dave~~: 018/365, Jan18,2009: Monster Jam!
~~dave~~: 019/365, Jan19,2009 - Flickr Meetup - Beers and Pics
~~dave~~: 020/365, Jan20,2009: Olive Splash, aka couple dancing on water
~~dave~~: 021/365, Jan21,2009: Art on my wall
~~dave~~: 022/365, Jan22,2009: Ingredients for a turkeypan beauty dish :-P
~~dave~~: 023/365, Jan23,2009: Am I beautiful? LOL ;-)
~~dave~~: 024/365, Jan24,2009: Cole got 'tackled' at JK yesterday :^(
~~dave~~: 025/365, Jan25,2009: Baby Furby's too tired to shoot tonight..
~~dave~~: 026/365, Jan26,2009: House
~~dave~~: 027/365, Jan27,2009: WALL-E & Eve
~~dave~~: 028/365, Jan28,2009: Like Father, like sons
~~dave~~: 029/365, Jan29,2009: Ah..
~~dave~~: 030/365, Jan30,2009: Dinos