Dave Lonsdale:
Heading out on our first safari
Dave Lonsdale:
A troop of Grey Langurs
Dave Lonsdale:
A wild pig in the last remnants of a water hole
Dave Lonsdale:
White spotted deer wander through the trees
Dave Lonsdale:
An elephant post-mudbath
Dave Lonsdale:
Barbla and the elephant
Dave Lonsdale:
Our first sighting of gaur
Dave Lonsdale:
Next morning a boat trip on the misty Kabini river
Dave Lonsdale:
A cormorant dries its wings
Dave Lonsdale:
Kingfisher rests on top of a tree stump
Dave Lonsdale:
Grey heron on the riverbank
Dave Lonsdale:
Darter on a pile of old bamboo
Dave Lonsdale:
A jackal scours the river bank
Dave Lonsdale:
Black-headed ibis probe for food
Dave Lonsdale:
An (eastern) great egret
Dave Lonsdale:
Cormorants line up on the dead trees
Dave Lonsdale:
A night heron on a raft of dead bamboo
Dave Lonsdale:
A local crosses the river in a coracle
Dave Lonsdale:
Fruit bats roost in two trees in the lodge compound
Dave Lonsdale:
Golden oriole in flight
Dave Lonsdale:
A proud set of antlers
Dave Lonsdale:
Old man watches out
Dave Lonsdale:
Langurs and deer mix happily
Dave Lonsdale:
Green and blue pigeons in a salt lick
Dave Lonsdale:
Brightly coloured Indian Roller
Dave Lonsdale:
Deer retreat into the bush
Dave Lonsdale:
A jungle fowl
Dave Lonsdale:
Malabar giant squirrel
Dave Lonsdale:
Crested serpent eagle
Dave Lonsdale:
Mother cleans baby