Dave Lonsdale: Looking back at Lençois
Dave Lonsdale: Water runs red, tinted by the forest
Dave Lonsdale: Found a little waterfall in the hills
Dave Lonsdale: Climbed up the waterfall to find a small pool
Dave Lonsdale: Small steps as the river descends
Dave Lonsdale: Barbla tempts some small monkeys
Dave Lonsdale: A banana is much appreciated
Dave Lonsdale: Though one sticks his tongue out
Dave Lonsdale: A flowering bromeliad
Dave Lonsdale: Poço do Diabo and a view over the hills
Dave Lonsdale: The fall into the Devil's Well
Dave Lonsdale: Water streams over a boulder
Dave Lonsdale: Barbla by a small gorge
Dave Lonsdale: Dave rinses his feet
Dave Lonsdale: Morro do Pai Inácio from the bottom
Dave Lonsdale: Valley of the Three Brothers
Dave Lonsdale: Maracujá flower
Dave Lonsdale: Heart-shaped rock
Dave Lonsdale: A clown cactus
Dave Lonsdale: The camel peak
Dave Lonsdale: Leaf-cutter ants
Dave Lonsdale: By Gruta Pratinha
Dave Lonsdale: An old miner's house under a boulder
Dave Lonsdale: A perfect circle drilled through the rock
Dave Lonsdale: Barbla and guide discuss the water level
Dave Lonsdale: Upstream, the river runs quickly through a gorge
Dave Lonsdale: Blue dragonfly
Dave Lonsdale: View above Sossêgo waterfall
Dave Lonsdale: Dave does some yogic flying across the pool
Dave Lonsdale: Swimming by the fall